
We are what we wear

"In the late 20th century American, the cultural capital of corporations has replaced many human forms of capital. As we buy, wear, and eat logos, we become the henchmen and admen of the corporations, defining ourselves with respect to the social standing of the various corporations. Some would say that this is the new form of tribalism, that in sport corporate logos we ritualize and humanize them, we redefine the cultural capital of the corporations in human social terms. I would say that a state where culture is indistinguishable from logo and where the practice of culture risks infringement of private property is a state that values the corporate over the human". (Susan Willis, 1993: 132-133 per Cole, 1995: 365)

We are surrounded by brands... They are what we wear. A brand can describe a person; their interests, their style or even their wealth. People tend to stick to brands they are familiar with, whether it's because they like the style of their range, their price range, practical for their interests or simply to show of (usually wealth with designer brands!).
With Nike, most people own an item by this Brand. One of the best known Sports Brand, established in America during the 1960's.
It is popular for many reasons, including its affordability, wide availability and worldwide recognition. Over the years there have been many advertising campaigns brought out by the Brand to advertise its various products.
In my next posts, I will be discussing some of the most successful Nike Campaigns, ending with a campaign that was specifically aimed at Nike trainers, as this is most relevant to the project.


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