
Sourcing Source!

I found this amazing website!!!
It has lots of tutorials, including the code, on the basics of processing.

It even has a tutorial for colour tracking!!!

Check out below some stills I took of practicing with the colour tracking code. I altered the code slightly, including playing around with the size of the ellipse that moves with the tracked colour. I also played around with what colour was being tracked. I found that in the environment I was in, blue and green didn't really work that well, as it tended to pick up the walls and windows Rather than my green pen top that I used for that practice.
I then found a red-handled screw driver and found that the best colour was an orangery- red, as this tended to pick up very little else in the room.
It still wasn't perfect (as can be seen from some of the stills), but worked the best out of all my experiments.


As you can see from the above photo, it doesn't always go right!!! This needs ironing out!!!


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