
Magical JumpMan!

I am still very interested in using the Michael Jordan Jumpman website as an inspiration for my processing sketch.
In some way, I want to incorporate the style, colours and atmosphere of the Jumpman site. I want my sketch to look bright and eye-catching, but also very sporty and appealing to all.
I am also inspired greatly by the monster media website and their vast array of shopfront interactive advertisements. I want to base my idea around the thought of it being displayed in a Nike shop window. I want it to advertise this fictional range of Nike trainers in a very obvious way. I want to display the trainers in the range in my sketch, and therefore with the added fun of an interactive shop display, lure my fictional customers into the store!
I am still very keen on adding music or sound effects to my piece, but this will be something that I will explore at the end of the project, If I still have time to play about. This will co-inside with my preliminary ideas of creating swooshing sounds, to coincide with eh Nike branding of the "Swoosh".
With the combination of Processing and openCv, using the code I am going to display in my next post and code using particles and frame differencing, I am going to experiment with colours, techniques, different images, backgrounds, settings until I get to an interactive advertisement I am happy with!


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